セブ英語親子留学 CEBU IVY(CIEC)ブログ


2019年 校長よりご挨拶





ご協力をいただいたすべての皆様にこの場を借りて感謝申し上げます。そしてすべての子どもたちがCebu Ivy Education Centerでの経験を通して夢を見つけ、それを叶えることを願って止みません。


Another chapter has turned, and another year for new experiences and adventures. I would like to thank our partners from different countries such as Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, and Vietnam who continuously supports and trusting us to give quality service to your clients and to the students who chose CIEC as their learning ground to improve not only their English skills but also academically, thank you for your trust. We will continue to improve the school to give the best education service to all of our clients.

It is satisfying to note that the school members, both individual and corporate, continues to grow steadily on average. The circumstances we work are not all the same, of course, and it is encouraging indeed when our partners especially those in different countries and students moved towards a great objective which is to give quality and effective education service to our clients.

Let me take this opportunity to show my gratitude to all partners for your dedication, and to wish all students success and satisfaction in studying in Cebu Ivy Education Center towards your goals for yourself and for your children. Our appreciation is owed also to all those who work to improve CIEC.

Mr. Kihoon “Bruce” Shin